Dressing Angels

Phyllis's Story

Phyllis T. Lise is the founder of Dressing Angels.

“Dressing Angels was officially established August 20, 2013 as a non-profit organization that provides after school snacks, clothing and shoes to who mentally ill & Underprivileged students.

This charity is very personal to me because my son has a mental illness, however I’ve has always known in my heart since I was a little girl I was born to become an advocate in my community to help Mentally ill & Underprivileged students. 

Upon researching my son’s mental illness, I was stunned to learn that 1 in 4 Elementary students are living with some form of a mental illness and Poverty and many do not have adequate clean clothing and shoes to wear.  I rolled up my sleeves and vowed to become an advocate for all mental ill & Underprivileged children by aggressively mobilizing key players In my Community from my State Senator to my Mayor to help end this growing problem and lend their resources to make sure that mentally ill & Underprivileged students in our Communities have clean clothing and shoes. I have come to recognize my involvement as having been and still being a source of enriching experiences.

 As a Community it is OUR duty to make sure our mentally ill are treated with dignity and compassion.”

-Phyllis T. Lise